Minerva (Gasteiz, Metalcore) acaban de estrenar su nuevo single «All Souls Burn«. Grabado, mezclado y masterizado por Lalo Fernández Sanchez.

Podéis escucharlo debajo:
La banda debutará en directo el 16 de Septiembre junto a Bellako, Burning The Waves y Fears Away en Gasteizko Gaztetxea.
Aquí las letras de la canción:
«You are digging on death earth searching for a real kind god
You can’t remember the atrocities,WHAT DID YOU BRING THEM BEFORE
Wake up wake up from your dreams x2
You are praying for your life
You are damning for your lies
Throwing my feelings far away
You have to save your soul, yo can´t remember your own
I can only SAVE MY OWN
You can’t remember the atrocities what did you bring them before
Wake up wake up from your dreams x2
You’re praying for your life
You’re damning for your lies
Throwing my feelings far away
You have to save your soul, you can´t remember your own
I can only SAVE MY OWN
Looking for a way to leave
Fighting all your demons till the END
Until the end
Until the ashes fall from hell above the end
Until the ashes fall from hell above the end
Throwing my feelings, I can only say
Throwing my feelings far away
Throwing my feelings far away
You have to save your soul, you can´t remember your own
I can only SAVE MY OWN
Throwing my feelings far away
I can only save my own»