Diabulus In Musica (Iruña,Symphonic Power/Gothic Metal) han publicado un nuevo single titulado «One Step Higher», de su inminente próximo disco «Euphonic entropy».

Lo puedes escuchar a continuación.
Aquí las letras:
One step higher
A hundred candles to light, a thousand waves to sail
At least a whole life to understand the mess
A thousand maps to discover, a million ways to be traced
A million newborn lives to be lived and still a long way to glimpse the peak
a never-ending line to attain lucidity, to evade insanity
Learning to climb I will reach the clouds (as long as they are there when I go)
One step higher a stronger heart will guide my walk
Once on the top as light as the wind (my whole baggage will disappear)
Feet on the ground and soul in the mist, finally free
A thousand seeds to grow, a million plants to be sown
A boundless jungle to explore and get lost
A hundred songs to write, a myriad of words to pronounce
Still how many melodies to be sung? And how much time to decode this never-ending file of old notes, forgotten scores? Secrets to be unfold
Learning to climb I will reach the clouds (as long as they are there when I go)
One step higher a stronger heart will guide my walk
Once on the top as light as the wind (my whole baggage will disappear)
Feet on the ground and soul in the mist, finally free
Ex nihilo nihil fit, in pertinacia victoria
Learning to climb I will reach the clouds (as long as they are there when I go)
One step higher a stronger heart will guide my walk
Once on the top I see the stream of snow that melts under the sun I feel so strong I scream to the world my soul is healed