Incursed (Bilbo,Viking/Pagan/Folk Metal) nos presentan su tercer single de «Baskavígin«.
El tema se llama «Who Stole My Beer?» y fue grabado durante el confinamiento por la pandemia.
Dirigido y producido por Adolfo WB.

Podéis verlo a continuación:
Estas son las letras:
«It’s the wondrous case that remains impossible
Far worse than the time when I lost my keys at home
I have slayed all kinds of ferocious forms of life
But this injustice is more than what I can understand
Can somebody tell me who the fuck stole my beer?
I will grind the guts to the one who stole my beer
Is there one who knows who the fuck stole my beer?
I will crush the skull of the one who stole my beer
I just need an answer, have I lost all that I had?
What is left to do when you lose the meaning of life?
Maybe it’s forty-two, maybe it’s pizza, or maybe it’s love?
But for me it’s beer, so respect me and be gone!»
Más información de la banda en nuestra página de Incursed.