Withredd (Bilbo, Rock/Metal Progresivo) han publicado un nuevo videoclip titulado «Split», perteneciente a su próximo disco «For You, For I, For Nothing».

Podéis verlo a continuación:
Estas son las letras:
«Find me, as you crawl deep inside of you
Beside me, you are not, ´cause you are on your way
I´m on your side on my own
You´ll find your way be sure my friend
Will our ways just bound again?
While trying to find our own path
Will you blame me if i lost?
While hoping to find our own guide
No one knows what will be maybe
We are seeking to find just ourselves
Will you blame me if i lost?
While trying to find our own path
Find me as you crawl deep inside of you
Beside me you are not cause you are on your way
I´m on your side on my own
You´ll find your way be sure my friend
Will our ways just bound again?
While trying to find our own path
Will you blame me if i lost?
While hoping to find our own guide
You are not alone just hear me calling your way
You are not alone just hear me calling your way
No one knows what will be maybe
We are seeking to find just ourselves
No one knows what will be maybe
We are seeking to find just ourselves
Will our ways just bound again?
Will you blame me if i lost?
No one knows what will be maybe
We are seeking to find just ourselves
Will you blame me if i lost?
While trying to find our own path»
Más información de la banda en nuestra página de Withredd.