Wojtyla (Iruña,Heavy Metal) han publicado un vídeo en 360 grados desde su local de ensayo del tema «Unnütze Esser».
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Música letras y vídeo por Wojtyla.
Estas son las letras:
«World population rising faster than it should
resource abuse, out of control…
It never changes, always the same.
Production means the ability keeping profit.
Who will be good enough for the eyes of the lords?
Five percent want to keep its odds.
First world, last world!
It’s easy to guess who decided to call it so…
Human eugenics, nasty echoes from the past.
Who will survive, who will last?
Artificial intelligence.
Militar power, a new world order awaits.
Burdensome lives,
It’s time to bash the useless scum,
human culls.
Wealthy people chase the weakest…
Burdensome lives,
It’s time to bash the useless scum,
Human culls.
Wealthy people chase the weakest ones!
Compassion is not allowed.
We must evolve.
Select, discard.
Arcadia is not for everyone.
Refugees trying to scape from the culls.
Racial programs, useless wars…
Millions left to starve on purpose,
poisoning water, spilling the vital resources.
From the horror and death in Grafeneck
And the shadow of Ernst Rüdin
Sidsjön, the indian act.
Sterilization, child seggregation and death.
Burdensome lives,
It’s time to bash the useless scum,
human culls.
Wealthy people chase the weakest…
Burdensome lives,
It’s time to bash the useless scum,
Human culls.
Wealthy people chase the weakest ones!
Más información de la banda en nuestra página de Wojtyla.