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Phobia nuevo single «Uprising»

Phobia (Hendaia,Metalcore) han publicado un nuevo single titulado «Uprising».

Podéis escucharlo a continuación:

Estas son las letras:

«I miss the marble of your temple
Feeling your presence around me
Life sometime seems so simple
An heavenly sample
Far too rare to see
But my faith was slowly dying again
Out of space, out of time
Only you knows when
Without a trace
You’re forever gone
What could you ever say?
You left me alone with my fate
Now I’m trying – to choke the flames
In the mind you incinerate

But memories are slowly fading away
Out of sight, Out of mind
Only you knows where
Whithout your light
Only darkness remains
You decided to turn the page
Don’t blame me for burning the book
You forsaken, slowly turned to rage
The ashes of the heart you took

I will never trust anymore
I will never open the door
I will never believe in you

I’m awaking, crawling in the ruins of your betrayal
Becoming, the shadow of the beast you created

For what worth words of an apostate
I loved your harder than I can ever hate»

Más información de la banda en nuestra página de Phobia.

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