Hondarribia,Stoner/Doom/Sludge Metal (Activa)
Formación Actual Nestor Uranga: Guitarra & Voces Mono: Bajo Garikoitz: Batería | |
Componentes Anteriores Lur Irulegi: Bajo Xavier: Voz |
Hondarribiko Horzdun sludge metal banda itsasotik azaleratu da Eskifai baten urpeko kondairak estreinako diskoarekin. Aker Odol taldean ibilitako Gari bateria eta Lur baxuaren abentura berria da, Xavier (Osserp) abeslariarekin eta Nestor gitarrarekin batera abiatu dutena.
Zazpi abestiz osaturiko lana otsailean grabatu zuten Korsario estudioetan Loloren gidaritzapean.
Horzdun is a sludge metal band from Hondarribia that just released their debut, Eskifai baten urpeko kondairak. Gari and Lur from Aker Odol have teamed up this in this new adventure with Osserp vocalist Xavier and guitarrist Nestor.
This 7 song nautic metal disc was recorded this february at Korsario studios under Lolo's expert guidance.
Related projects: Aker Odol, GPK, Ósserp, Kamorräh, Astigarraga Thrower, Crani Sèptic...
Zazpi abestiz osaturiko lana otsailean grabatu zuten Korsario estudioetan Loloren gidaritzapean.
Horzdun is a sludge metal band from Hondarribia that just released their debut, Eskifai baten urpeko kondairak. Gari and Lur from Aker Odol have teamed up this in this new adventure with Osserp vocalist Xavier and guitarrist Nestor.
This 7 song nautic metal disc was recorded this february at Korsario studios under Lolo's expert guidance.
Related projects: Aker Odol, GPK, Ósserp, Kamorräh, Astigarraga Thrower, Crani Sèptic...
Tracklist 1. Horzdun 2. Lehen Aroia 3. Dolu Gudaria 4. Beruna Oinetan 5. Amuitz 6. Begijale Hegaldunak 7. Azken Aroia |
Tracklist 1. Habitar La Mar - La Tara 2. Joliette - Futuras Campanas 3. Grande Days - Shine 4. Adrift - Embers 5. Secret Smoker - Blind Fold 6. KLS - Model De Clonació En Massa 7. Tenpera - Cheap Burger 8. Crossed - Long Night 9. Doble Capa - Mass Mierder 10. Tooth - Ezgauzak 11. Shangai Qiutian - 第二首歌 (New Era,Shared Future) 12. Tenue - Vertixe 13. Adrenalized - Sorry For The Hit 14. Emma Goldman - Pastor Of Muppets 15. Müdotron - Agua Y Piedras 16. Feretro - 02 17. The Capaces - The Beast In You 18. Colision - Found It 19. Kvalvika - Monkey (Low Cover) 20. Horzdun - Aho Bete Hortz 21. Sara Zozaya - Benetan 22. It It Anita - Unicorn 23. Txost! - Ito Haiz 24. Palmar De Troya - Libro Rojo |
Tracklist 1. Ahulen Kontrola 2. Irla Idorra 3. Lurrean Errautsa 4. Oihal Beltza |
Bandcamp | | | | |