Donostia,Pagan Black Metal (Desconocido)
Formación Actual Ibai Mendinueta: Voz, Guitarra Eléctrica, Guitarra Clásica, Bajo, Acordeón Cromático, Flauta Barroca, Teclados, Percusión | ![]() |
Componentes Anteriores Egoitz Andonegui: Bajo Aritz Ipinazar: Bajo Joseba Zubiaurre: Batería Haritz Solupe: Guitarra, Txirula, Coros |
Ilbeltz musika taldea Donostian sortu zan 1995/96 inguruetan, bi gazte klasera jun partez zigarro bat erretzera irten ziranean belardira, goiz eguzkitsu batez. Klasera bueltatu ziranerako lau partaideko taldea osatuta zeon, izena gerora jarri zioten.
Kantak egin bezain pronto hasi ginan kontzertuak jotzen, bi potrokin, instrumentuak afinatzen ere juxtu juxtu genekila, baina ilusio haundiz. Ahal zan lekuan ensaiatzen, eta ahal zan lekuan kontzertuak jotzen ibili ondoren, 1998/99 inguruetan, taldeak partaide aldaketa sufritu zun.
-1999. urtean ILUNTASUNAREN ITZULERA (Triarchy of Vasconia) diskan bi kanta sartu genitun, Adhur eta Aiumeen Basoa taldeekin batera. Ordutik 2010. urterarte ez genun kontzerturik jo, ta ezta diskarik atera ere, baina bai kantak egiten jarraitu.
-2010-ean "AUSKAN GABILTZ OLATUN GAINIAN" diska atera.
-2011-n diska alkarbanatu batean parte hartu, "D'Anjou en Vasconie: La tres grande chasse d'Hellequin" deitua (Anjoutik Baskoniara: Hellequinen ehiza arras haundiya). "Gabaren babes tenkian Burdibagaz haraindi" du izena diska hontan sartu degun kanta luzeak. Diska hau Bretainiako Hanternoz eta Anjouko Anceisural Eritance taldeekin banatu degu. 2012-an argitaratua.
The band called Ilbeltz was borned in Donostia (San Sebastian, in the Basque Country) around 1995/96, when two friends went to smoke a cigarrette lieing in the field, instead of going to class, in a sunny morning. By the time they returned to class, the band was formed of four members, the name came later on.
We began playing concerts as soon as we had got enough songs, even though we were hardly able to tune our instruments (we haven't changed much in that). We used to rehearse and play concerts wherever was possible, until around 1998/99, when the band suffered a change according to the members.
-We recorded two songs for the album ILUNTASUNAREN ITZULERA (Triarchy of Vasconia) in 1999, with other two bands, Adhur and Aiumeen Basoa. After that until 2010, we didn't play any concerts, or recorded any albums, even though I always continued conposing songs.
-In 2010 we've recorded the album called AUSKAN GABILTZ OLATUN GAINIAN (We're strugling on the waves).
-In 2011 we've recorded a long song for a split CD called "D'Anjou en Vasconie: La tres grande chasse d'Hellequin". Our song is called: "Gabaren babes tenkian Burdibagaz haraindi". This split CD is shared with these two bands: Hanternoz (Britanny) and Anceisural Eritance (Anjou). Released in 2012.
Ilbeltz musika taldea Donostian sortu zan 1995/96 inguruetan, bi gazte klasera jun partez zigarro bat erretzera irten ziranean belardira, goiz eguzkitsu batez. Klasera bueltatu ziranerako lau partaideko taldea osatuta zeon, izena gerora jarri zioten.
Kantak egin bezain pronto hasi ginan kontzertuak jotzen, bi potrokin, instrumentuak afinatzen ere juxtu juxtu genekila, baina ilusio haundiz. Ahal zan lekuan ensaiatzen, eta ahal zan lekuan kontzertuak jotzen ibili ondoren, 1998/99 inguruetan, taldeak partaide aldaketa sufritu zun.
-1999. urtean ILUNTASUNAREN ITZULERA (Triarchy of Vasconia) diskan bi kanta sartu genitun, Adhur eta Aiumeen Basoa taldeekin batera. Ordutik 2010. urterarte ez genun kontzerturik jo, ta ezta diskarik atera ere, baina bai kantak egiten jarraitu.
-2010-ean "AUSKAN GABILTZ OLATUN GAINIAN" diska atera.
-2011-n diska alkarbanatu batean parte hartu, "D'Anjou en Vasconie: La tres grande chasse d'Hellequin" deitua (Anjoutik Baskoniara: Hellequinen ehiza arras haundiya). "Gabaren babes tenkian Burdibagaz haraindi" du izena diska hontan sartu degun kanta luzeak. Diska hau Bretainiako Hanternoz eta Anjouko Anceisural Eritance taldeekin banatu degu. 2012-an argitaratua.
The band called Ilbeltz was borned in Donostia (San Sebastian, in the Basque Country) around 1995/96, when two friends went to smoke a cigarrette lieing in the field, instead of going to class, in a sunny morning. By the time they returned to class, the band was formed of four members, the name came later on.
We began playing concerts as soon as we had got enough songs, even though we were hardly able to tune our instruments (we haven't changed much in that). We used to rehearse and play concerts wherever was possible, until around 1998/99, when the band suffered a change according to the members.
-We recorded two songs for the album ILUNTASUNAREN ITZULERA (Triarchy of Vasconia) in 1999, with other two bands, Adhur and Aiumeen Basoa. After that until 2010, we didn't play any concerts, or recorded any albums, even though I always continued conposing songs.
-In 2010 we've recorded the album called AUSKAN GABILTZ OLATUN GAINIAN (We're strugling on the waves).
-In 2011 we've recorded a long song for a split CD called "D'Anjou en Vasconie: La tres grande chasse d'Hellequin". Our song is called: "Gabaren babes tenkian Burdibagaz haraindi". This split CD is shared with these two bands: Hanternoz (Britanny) and Anceisural Eritance (Anjou). Released in 2012.
![]() | Tracklist 1. Adhur - Sua 2. Adhur - Akelarreko Batzarra 3. Adhur - Iluno 4. Aiumeen Basoa - Intro (Sorrera) 5. Aiumeen Basoa - Aintzinako Guduen Oroimenak 6. Aiumeen Basoa - Aiumeen Basoa (Arlekina) 7. Ilbeltz - Intro 8. Ilbeltz - Itsasoaren Nigarra 9. Ilbeltz - Orreaga |
![]() | Tracklist 1. Subak Ixeinttu Itxasotako Udek (Fire Has Light The Sea Waters) 2. Maiñel Moxkortiyarena (The Drunk Fisherman's) 3. Helduiak Buztanetio Moteil (Hold My Tail, Buddy) 4. Auskan Gabiltz Olatun Gainian (We're Struggling On The Waves) 5. Potrobizargorri, Pirata Ondraua (Potrobizargorri, The Honest Pirate) |
![]() | Tracklist 1. Ilbeltz - Gauaren Babes Tenkian Burdibagaz Haraindi (In The Tight Cover Of The Night, Somewhere Behind Burdibagaz) 2. Hanternoz - Comme Le Son Du Cor Est Triste Au Fond Des Bois! 3. Anceisural Eritance - De L'Art De La Fauconnerie En Noir Anjou |
https://www.facebook.com/Ilbeltz-214267768590821/ | |
Myspace | https://myspace.com/ilbeltzofficial |