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Silent Opera

Baiona,Symphonic/Melodic Death Metal (Activa) 

Formación Actual
Laure Laborde: Voz
Steven Schriver: Voz
Olivier Sentenac: Bajo
Romain Larregain; Guitarra
Jon Erviti: Batería
Componentes Anteriores
Frank Stoker: Teclados & Piano
Laura Nicogossian: Teclados


A silent opera?
Not really!

Composed of Laure LABORDE and Steven SCHRIVER (vocals), Olivier SENTENAC (bass), Romain LARREGAIN (guitars) and Jon ERVITI (drums), the story of SILENT OPERA began 9 years ago in south-west France.

Created in 2007 by the will and the complicity of Olivier, Laure and Romain, the first titles soon displayed a well sliced style mixing incisive riffs, clear and aggressive vocals and plaintive and poignant melodies. In 2010 the band released his first album ACT ONE, dark with progressive aspects, supported by a constant opposition of 2 complementary voices highlighting the characters inner pain described in the lyrics.

This album was defended during a French tour in March 2011 and quickly got a great success.

End 2012, after lots of concerts and a long work of composition still further towards the theme of introspection, ‘REFLECTIONS’, SILENT OPERA's 2nd album was recorded, mixed and mastered by Mobo (LOKURAH, ERYN NON DAE, GOROD, MINUSHUMAN, etc.) at the Conkrete Studio (FR).This much more mature and accomplished album was really expected by all SILENT OPERA’s community.

This four years’ wait paid…
Early 2014 the band signed a recording deal with the German label Massacre Records for the worldwide release of the band’s second studio album ‘Reflections’ (out from 21st Feb. 2014).The band defended their brand new album through a French tour in May 2014 and received a warm welcome from fans and was saluted by medias.

After this tour, the band signed with different booking agencies and was chosen as main support act for Orphaned Land European tour (Israeli folk metal band) in Fall 2014.

Since then the band has been preparing new stuff that will fit more with the death prog universe.

Stay aware, SILENT OPERA is ready to show its pluck and will be on stage soon to display its progressive death music out of French frontiers.

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Un opéra silencieux ?
Pas vraiment !

Aujourd’hui composé de Laure LABORDE et Steven SCHRIVER (chant), Olivier SENTENAC (basse), Romain LARREGAIN (guitare) et Jon ERVITI (batterie), l’histoire de SILENT OPERA débute il y a 9 ans.

Créé en 2007 par la volonté et la complicité d’Olivier, Laure et Romain, les premiers titres voient le jour et affichent très vite un style bien tranché alliant riffs incisifs, alternance de chants clairs et agressifs, mélodies plaintives et poignantes.

C’est en 2010 que le groupe sort son 1er album ACT ONE, sombre avec des éléments de black metal et de metal progressif, appuyés par une opposition constante de ses 2 voix complémentaires mettant en valeur le tiraillement intérieur des personnages décrit dans les textes.
Cet album est alors défendu lors d’une tournée française en mars 2011 et obtient rapidement un franc succès.

Fin 2012, après de nombreux concerts et un long travail de composition encore plus poussé vers le thème de l’introspection, SILENT OPERA sort son 2ème album.
REFLECTIONS, enregistré, mixé et masterisé par Mobo (LOKURAH, ERYN NON DAE, GOROD, MINUSHUMAN, etc.) au Conkrete Studio, sort le 21 février 2014 chez les allemands MASSACRE RECORDS.

Après une tournée française en mai 2014, le groupe signe avec différentes agences de booking et se voit proposer une tournée européenne aux côtés du groupe de folk metal israélien Orphaned Land à l'automne 2014 à l'occasion du dixième anniversaire de leur album "Mabool".

Depuis, le groupe prépare de nouveaux morceaux qui s'inscriront davantage dans un univers death prog.


Act OneE.P.2010


1. Intro
2. Black Of Despair
3. Time Of Mechanical Horses
4. The Fall
5. Lost Souls
6. Lapse Of Memory



1. Beyond The Gate Of A Deep Slumber
2. Nightmare Circus
3. Dorian
4. The Great Chessboard
5. Fight Or Drift
6. Dawn Of The Fool
7. Chronicles Of An Infinite Sadness
8. Inner Museum
9. Sailor, Siren And Bitterness

Chasing GhostSingle2016


1. Chasing Ghost
2. Dehumanization



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